Doing Business Online...

From the desk of Mal Keenan
Friday, December 18, 2009

Hi Blogger,

I know a lot about doing business online because I've
been doing it for almost 10 years now and I'll tell
you ONE thing for sure. You'll not make a dime, OR
if you do it will become a struggle, IF you don't find
PASSION for what you're doing.

My passion is to build a business around helping others
build and grow theirs. I worked for a long-time online
and found myself dead inside with no passion for what
I was doing.

I couldn't understand why the passion wasn't there,
I was making money and sometimes lots of it BUT there
was no fire in my belly for my business.

I finally realized that the lack of passion came
because i was focusing my attention in the WRONG

I was more concerned about how I could make myself
rich. It was all ME, ME, ME!

When I finally turned my focus around to look for
a way to help others make it online, my business
started to REALLY take off.

That's where I'm at today and why I have made
it my intention to help as many people as I can
on a daily basis reach their goals.

Let me know today how I can help YOU.

Have a great day!

Mal Keenan

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